Ahh June! In some ways I love you and some ways I hate you. Mid point of the year and just before the summer holidays life is busy and pressured, yet the promise of the holidays coming hangs in the air. A combination simultaneous of stress and hope. However as it is the midway throughout the year June is a great time to check in with your New Year’s resolutions. I mean how is it going? My vision board is full of beautiful healthy pictures of food and people doing yoga and yet as I write to you I haven’t trained all week and I am eating vegan bacon chips.
Ho hum, time to go back and check in with this year’s goals. Checking in actually is one of the best ways to motivate yourself and especially before a holiday. Why? Getting connected with your goals, refocusing before taking a break gives you the time to clear your head and clear away the clutter before taking a re-energising break. After the summer hols you can return to your plans refreshed and raring to go.
Actually checking your progress is a scientifically proved to increases your chances of reaching your goals. Lead author Benjamin Harkin, PhD, of the University of Sheffield has conducted a conducted a meta-analysis of 138 studies comprising 19,951 participants that looked at the effectiveness of an intervention or treatment designed to prompt participants to monitor their goal progress. They found that prompting participants to monitor their progress toward a goal increased the likelihood that the participants would achieve that goal.
So pull that dusty list out of your diary and check in with yourself before your summer break. If you are not sure how then follow these easy steps.
Do a review of your goals on paper:
Do I want to realize this goal?
Look at the goal you set for yourself. Is it still relevant? Does your life need this right now? Does this goal seem realistic? Is your goal measurable? Is this goal in line with your life vision? Do some brainstorming / free writing around these questions. If you have made a list of steps to take to your goals then you can colour code the relevance of this goal or stage. For example right now making 4 completely new vegetarian recipes a month is unfeasible however concentrating on a regular eating routine is manageable.
How am I doing, what’s my progress?
If you worked with my steps to making New Year’s resolutions that last you will remember than one part of the process is defining the steps you will take to reach your goals. So where are you now? How many of the steps have you completed? Cross off the completed steps on your list. If you haven’t created steps or actions then free write which actions you have taken.
Adapt your goal
Some of your goals may have changed. Some might not be relevant or there has been a life circumstance that has changed your desired outcome. Look at your goals and see if you need to adapt your original goal.Write out your the adapted goals clearly so you can hold on to your vision.
Give yourself a measurable unit to achieve your goal.
Have a look at each of your goals and define when you want to be complete with the goal or complete with the actions on the way to the goal. Make sure you prioritize your list. Somethings will need to be done now somethings can be left to August or later in the year.
Call in the cavalry.
Get some help. Accountability is the best way to keep on task. Ask someone to act as your accountability partner. Let them know the goals and time frame you are working within. Ask them to help you keep on track. You can agree on a weekly telephone call or dates for them to contact you. And remember to reward yourself when you succeed. Arrange a celebration with someone for complete the assignments you have given yourself.
Once you have organised your goals then put your dates in the diary and then get yourself ready for a holiday. Relax and rejuvenate and get ready to come back freshen and motivated!