Are you stuck in a life that you don’t live and want to change but have no idea of how you can do that? Believe me I know it, I’ve been there. The world seems limited, you feel completely powerless and the biggest challenge is that when we are there, it is is so easy … Continue reading How to get empowered and change your life in 4 steps
Month: August 2017
Lifelessons101 – How to be a positive person in 6 easy steps
We all have that one person in our network. The complainer. The pessimist. The person you can spend 5 minutes around and feel stressed and worn out just by listening to them. There are people in this world who just live in the negative. I have one in my life and recently after a long … Continue reading Lifelessons101 – How to be a positive person in 6 easy steps
You are already living an Abundant Life – let me prove it to you in less than 5 mins!
You have an abundant life. Didn’t you know? Well fact is, You do. Let me prove it to you and I promise I will make you a believer that you are super abundant in less than 5 mins! Now people tend to treat abundance as a goal, a state to get to. However we are actually … Continue reading You are already living an Abundant Life – let me prove it to you in less than 5 mins!
You are already living an Abundant Life
You have an abundant life. Didn’t you know? You do. We all do, actually. People tend to treat abundance as a goal, a state to get to. However we are actually born abundant. We are born into a world where the natural law is abundance. There is enough air, enough water, enough trees. Yet we … Continue reading You are already living an Abundant Life
Why am I snapping all the time?
So after returning from my last two weeks of holiday instead of feeling rested and relaxed I am grumpy as heck and snapping at everything. Some of this is definitely to do with the fact I haven’t had a proper break since we got home. The day after our return I hit the ground running … Continue reading Why am I snapping all the time?
#lifelessons101 – 3 Stages of recovery from heart ache
We have all been there. The love of our life walked out of the door, the unbreakable relationship broke and we are left with an aching heart in a confusing and disorientated world. (If you haven’t experienced this then be grateful and go and read something else on my blog!!) Heartache obviously is not just … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – 3 Stages of recovery from heart ache
#lifelessons101 – The power of anticipation (2 min read)
Tomorrow I am off on my holidays. Two whole weeks with friends, doing things I love. It’s going to be great. What has made it even better is that over the last year we have been preparing for this holiday and now its going to happen. Anticipation is one of the most motivating factors on … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – The power of anticipation (2 min read)
#lifelessons101 – Making memories
What is life without a little fun? I love adventure, new places and experiencing life. Just as I love these experiences I love looking back on them. Memories are important. Memories are things that you can treasure forever. You can share them with your family, friends, anyone you meet actually. Memories shape us, change us … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – Making memories
Happy Lammas !
Today is the celtic festival of Lammas - the first harvest. A great point in the year to stop and take stock and be thankful for the harvest we have manifested throughout the year. May your harvest be abundant and beautiful <3