How to get empowered and change your life in 4 steps

Are you stuck in a life that you don’t live and want to change but have no idea of how you can do that? Believe me I know it, I’ve been there. The world seems limited, you feel completely powerless and the biggest challenge is that when we are there, it is is so easy to play our victim role and believe we cannot change our lives. And what we believe of course comes true. We don’t believe we have the power so we don’t have the power. It sucks.

Now if you are in this particular situation and right now feel as useless as a chocolate fireguard, you will be ecstatic to know that there is a way out! There is a way of turning these beliefs around and empowering yourself to make the changes you want in your life. (See now you feel happier right!) Belief is the key here. Lynne Twist (author of “Soul Money”) says “what you appreciate, and the way you direct your attention, determines the quality of your life”. No, no don’t run away. I know if you are feeling helpless right now that appreciating where you are in your life might seem like the last thing you want to do. However consider this when you appreciate where you are it frees up your energy from focusing on where you are not, ergo you then have the energy to re-see the possibilities, create a vision, commit to it and then act to change. So by appreciating the now you actually empower yourself to change your life.

No matter how you want to change your life the first step is believing you can. I’ll never forget the moment when I decided I was going to be a life coach. I was washing up in Mr T’s flat feeling dissatisfied with my life.  Then the idea hit me that I would become a life coach, changing not only mine but many other peoples lives for the better, that I would create a community of people wanting to Re:Root their lives. In that moment I 100% believed I could do it. I was empowered and from that moment on I have been re seeing my possibilities, created my vision and have been committed and acting upon my dream ever since.

So if you want to change your life you need to begin the process of belief starting with appreciation, create your vision, commit and then act. Even if right now you are still thinking yeah, yeah, I can’t do that try following these 4 steps to empowering yourself to change your life, you will surprise yourself.

  1. Appreciation

So what are you assets? And I don’t mean just physical I mean your community, your support network, your talents and skills, your hopes and dreams, the resources you have to hand. Write all of this down. See how much you have, more than you thought.  Now on a new piece of paper name each person you have in your support network. Write by each person the qualities that they have told you that they appreciate about you. It can be anything, funny, good at making cheesecake whatever it is write it down.

How do you feel now? Still without power, I’ll put money on it you feel more confident and richer in your life right now that you did 10 mins ago. All that changed was your belief and appreciation.

  1. Vision

Now look into the future. I want you to imagine yourself 25 years from now having successfully made the change you want to make in your life. See it clearly and the surrounding life circumstances. So for example you want to be self employed imagine yourself there, successful, that your kids have grown up and you have paid for them to go to college. See your life 25 years from now how you want it to be. Are you there? Can you see it?

Now the difficult question ask yourself how did you get there? What were the possibilities and the opportunities that you found and created for you and your family? What got you through those first few years? What was the breakthrough? Tell yourself the story not just the events but the emotional shifts. Did you stop letting your fears rule your life, did you set boundaries?

  1. Commit

So now is the time to commit. You can see your previously unseen resources, maybe from your visualisation you have some ideas on how to manifest and create the changes you want to make. So you need to make a plan based on these two sources of inspiration. Your resources and your vision. Write down what actions you need to take to create your change? What resources do you need to use or source?  By making this action plan you are committing to being the kind of person, the empowered person who will make this change in their life.

  1. Act

A dream without action is just a wish. Take the plunge and do the first thing on your action plan as soon as you can. This is the step that puts you energetically on the path to making the change you want. For me I joined a spiritual fitness center, where mind body and spirit was in focus. I found like minded people and surrounded myself with people working on their lives, a few months later I was running my own workshops and writing my book. This first action is really important and so is the second and the third and so on. Before you know it you are on your way.


SO how do you feel now? Hopefully more empowered with a clearer idea of how you can make a change in your life. This formula works for both big and small changes, For example right now I am going to use it to help me start eating healthier and I am still using it to create my community. The important thing to know is that this is the start. It is the moment when you consciously choose to empower yourself and cross over the fear and victim hurdle. Sometimes the feeling of being empowered and belief does go away and if you feel that then go back to step one and appreciate where you are, what you have and who is with you. Appreciation is the most powerful tool in the self empowerment tool kit. Remember wherever you send your attention and appreciation determines your life quality. It’s your choice, so choose what makes you happy and enjoy your journey!

Have a wonderful, empowering week 🙂


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