As a child someone told me that I had everything I needed inside me to achieve whatever I wanted to achieve. That I had the power to be anything I wanted to be. And I believed them. I dreamed. I dared. However, as life is as I grew older, because an insecure teenager and unsure young adult and made it to what I had always thought of the age of being a ‘proper grown up’, that belief had disappeared. Somewhere along life’s roads it had dwindled away a lot with my love of pink and Take That (a loss I have never mourned). Somewhere in all that living and growing I had forgotten that I have this power. That I was born with it.
I was re introduced to the idea again in my 30’s but instead of that rush of inspiration of belief in my own ability I had as a child, I didn’t feel powerful. I couldn’t believe. To be fair my self worth was at an all time low. Logically I knew it to be true. Every seed has the potential to grow, to blossom, to fulfill it’s potential. Yet I didn’t feel that I had that same ability. Something was holding me back. Where ever my power was, I certainly couldn’t access it.
Until one day I read these words of the inspiring Marianne Williamson
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It’s not just in some of us; it is in everyone. “
These words, for me were a eureka experience. They hit the nail absolutely on the head.
We get this one life and we limit ourselves by being afraid. We don’t realise our potential because we are afraid of what that might mean. Where is the sense in that? Seems like a wasted opportunity to me.
As I realised all of this I knew two things to be true.
I needed to embrace my power. And I needed to not be afraid of my own power
Now I would love to say that once I figured that out bibbidi bobbidi boo – I was magically empowered! I wasn’t. Not back then. And not entirely now. However, I am damn more connected to my power today than I have ever been before. And it feels great.
I shine, in a way I have never shined before.
Now Marianne Williamson didn’t just stop at pointing out our fear, she also suggested what we do when we embrace our power. She said
“ as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
And my friends it really is true.
When you can be comfortable with your power and embrace it, not only do you live a more authentic, responsible and freer powerful life, you inspire others to do the same.
Now you might be thinking well that’s lovely for you and Marianne Emma-Jane but how the heck did you do it?
How can I embrace my power?
Well, there is of course no one solution fits everyone. But I did find a few tricks along the way and so here are 4 things you can do to begin your journey of stopping being afraid of your power and embracing it.
What is it that you are scared of?
Before you can start you need to know what it actually is that you are afraid of? What is it about shining and being the most powerful you that you fear? Identify your fears. Ask yourself if they are real? And ask yourself what you could do about it if they are? Knowing your fears gives you power over them. If you know what they are when they raise their ugly head you can in essence tell them to bugger off. It’s not real. It is just a fear. And being afrais is not a reason not to be powerful.
What does powerful me look like?
Ask yourself if I embraced my power what would my life look like? If I was not afraid of my own ability what would my life be like? By looking at this you are giving your brain a different option than being afraid of what could go wrong. You are reprogramming your brain to think about what could go right.
How do I make that happen?
We often circle around the what could go wrongs rather than thinking about what we can do to make something happen. Think about how could you make it so that you are the powerful you? How can you create the life that you imagined by asking the last questions. What actions can you take?
There are many great ways to do this. If you look through my blog and search power you will find many tips and tricks to get you started. Alternatively sign up to Re:root your life’s Facebook page where for the whole of June we are dedicating to articles to help you be the most powerful you #bebadass !
Just do it!
My main life philosophy is “ Bravery is not the absence of fear. I t is having a fear and doing it anyway”. Fighting your fears is a challenging battle. It’s not going to be immediately easy. You will need to take a leap of faith and try. You will need to pick yourself up when you fall and try again. But believe me the rewards are worth it. The important thing is to commit. Commit to embracing your power. Commit to reaching your potential. And each time you leap, each time you dare, every time you tell your fears to shut up the easier it will be next time.
Embracing your power, for me, is about having the freedom to enjoy your life, to grow and experience all possibilities and make the most of your short time on this earth. The greatest thing about doing this is that you get to inspire others to do the same, whilst enjoying your life. Give yourself permission to break free from your fear and embrace your power and the world will be a better place, just because you were here to shine.
So be bad ass this June, embrace the power you have within you and allow yourself to shine!
Have a great week
Emma-Jane <3
I realised that it wasn’t that I am not powerful. I was simply too afraid to embrace my power
It was an insanely intense revolation on a cold, grey monday morning mid commute.
It was a revelation that truly changed my life
A revelation about the power of fear.
Because when you get down to it fear is the great debilitator. It stops us doing so much. It takes over our minds and when we allow it, it screws up everything. The irony being that it is part of our survival system, designed to protect us back in the days when predators were really out to get us. However, it’s not like that today. In fact the only predator out to get us today is in actuality fear. Our own fears and other people’s. Consciously and unconsciously we are ruled by it. Which to be honest is really dumb.
We get this one life and we limit ourselves by being afraid. We don’t realise our potential because we are afraid of what that might mean. Where is the sense in that? Seems like a wasted opportunity to me.
As I realised all of this I knew two things to be true.
I needed to embrace my power. And I needed to not be afraid of my own power
Now I would love to say that once I figured that out bibbidi bobbidi boo – I was magically empowered! I wasn’t. Not back then. And not entirely now. However, I am damn more connected to my power today than I have ever been before. And it feels great.
I shine, in a way I have never shined before.
Now Marianne Williamson didn’t just stop at pointing out our fear, she also suggested what we do when we embrace our power. She said
“ as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
And my friends it really is true.
When you can be comfortable with your power and embrace it, not only do you live a more authentic, responsible and freer powerful life, you inspire others to do the same.
Now you might be thinking well that’s lovely for you and Marianne Emma-Jane but how the heck did you do it?
How can you embrace your power?
Well, there is of course no one solution fits everyone. But I did find a few tricks along the way and so here are 4 things you can do to begin your journey of stopping being afraid of your power and embracing it.
What is it that you are scared of?
Before you can start you need to know what it actually is that you are afraid of? What is it about shining and being the most powerful you that you fear? Identify your fears. Ask yourself if they are real? And ask yourself what you could do about it if they are? Knowing your fears gives you power over them. If you know what they are when they raise their ugly head you can in essence tell them to bugger off. It’s not real. It is just a fear. And being afrais is not a reason not to be powerful.
What does powerful me look like?
Ask yourself if I embraced my power what would my life look like? If I was not afraid of my own ability what would my life be like? By looking at this you are giving your brain a different option than being afraid of what could go wrong. You are reprogramming your brain to think about what could go right.
how do I make that happen?
We often circle around the what could go wrongs rather than thinking about what we can do to make something happen. Think about how could you make it so that you are the powerful you? How can you create the life that you imagined by asking the last questions. What actions can you take. There are many great ways to do this. If you look through my blog and search power you will find many tips and tricks to get you started. Alternatively sign up to Re:root your life’s Facebook page where for the whole of June we are dedicating to articles to help you be the most powerful you #bebadass !
Just do it!
My main life philosophy is “ Bravery is not the absence of fear. I t is having a fear and doing it anyway”. Fighting your fears is a challenging battle. It’s not going to be immediately easy. You will need to take a leap of faith and try. You will need to pick yourself up when you fall and try again. But believe me the rewards are worth it. The important thing is to commit. Commit to embracing your power. Commit to reaching your potential. And each time you leap, each time you dare, every time you tell your fears to shut up the easier it will be next time.
Embracing your power, for me, is about having the freedom to enjoy your life, to grow and experience all possibilities and make the most of your short time on this earth.
The greatest thing about doing this is that you get to inspire others to do the same, whilst enjoying your life. Give yourself permission to break free from your fear and embrace your power and the world will be a better place, just because you were here to shine.
So be bad ass, embrace the power you have within you and allow yourself to shine!
Have a great week
Emma-Jane <3
If you would like support on your personal development journey, to transform your life and to create the life you love then you are welcome to connect with Emma-Jane for life coaching or business coaching
Check out Re:Root’s coaching services here and sign up for your free consultation Here