5 Things you can do to take charge of your life and blow away the grey clouds of dissatisfaction. Right HERE and Right NOW.

Sometimes life just feels bad on every level. At home, at work, your finances, your health. It feels like wherever you look there is a new problem. You can’t achieve your goals, you are frustrated and unhappy. The sky feels permanently full of grey and heavy storm clouds. And boy does it suck.  Good news … Continue reading 5 Things you can do to take charge of your life and blow away the grey clouds of dissatisfaction. Right HERE and Right NOW.

#lifelessons101- How to keep on going when you hit a bump in the road and it feels like you are getting nowhere

Dreams beget reality is something I have always believed. But sometimes the road to our dreams becoming a reality is a long and hard one. Especially when you hit a bump in the road. Energetically it can feel like  you are never going to get to where you want to be.  So how do you … Continue reading #lifelessons101- How to keep on going when you hit a bump in the road and it feels like you are getting nowhere

Why slowing down for winter is good for your health, your life and your productivity

As the autumn leaves are falling to the ground and the animals are making their final preparations before hibernating it’s hard to ignore the signs that winter is on it’s way. The world around us is slowing down. Quite the opposite of the  world of work or school, where the energy is go, go, go, … Continue reading Why slowing down for winter is good for your health, your life and your productivity


“If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again” Although I am not comfortable with the word try, this little rhyme has stayed with me all my life. I have a feeling I heard it first when starting to tie my shoelaces, but I digress. It can be challenging to pick yourself up and … Continue reading PEOPLE WHEN YOU NEED THEM THE MOST. WALT DISNEY’S FAILURE TO SUCCESS STORY (4 MIN READ)

#Life lessons 101 – How to find your balance and ride the wave when life starts going wibbly wobbly

Sometimes life just goes wibbly wobbly. You know what I mean. There hasn’t been a big trauma or drama, you are not having to fight for survival. Things are just out of balance and you can’t seem to get on top. Your energy goes low, you feel out of sorts, restless and frustrated. Personally I … Continue reading #Life lessons 101 – How to find your balance and ride the wave when life starts going wibbly wobbly

How embracing healthy boredom is the key to your creativity and productivity

I am a time management nut. I love to be productive, to cross off lists and get things done. I fill every minute of my day. Both consciously and unconsciously. When I have a break I check my social media, re check my emails. Even my downtime is fairly structured. I have projects to complete, … Continue reading How embracing healthy boredom is the key to your creativity and productivity

#lifelessons101 – How random acts of kindness will deepen your gratitude and enrich your life

In my happiness project this month’s theme is gratitude. I have been consciously aware of the things I have to be grateful for, making sure that I let the people in my life that I am thankful for them. And yes, I do feel blessed by all the wonderful and beautiful things in my life.  … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – How random acts of kindness will deepen your gratitude and enrich your life