
#liflessons101 – Why practicing kindness makes you happier and healthier

Recently I saw a Facebook Meme thingy that said “Be the I in Kind”. Now being an advocate of practicing kindness I thought ahhh. Until I noticed someone had commented “Why?”. Now I was shocked. My first though was that the benefits from being kind are so obvious, who could not understand it. My second … Continue reading #liflessons101 – Why practicing kindness makes you happier and healthier

December without Stress

A December free of Stress – Yuletide time management to take your cares away

The holidays are coming! Yep this week we hit December and the build up begins in earnest. (No matter how hard the shops have been plugging it since pre halloween.) And no matter how organised you are in life this month is always a hectic one because you have so much extra to do. It’s … Continue reading A December free of Stress – Yuletide time management to take your cares away

Achieved your life dream

#Lifelessons101 – What to do when you achieve a life dream? 5 steps to finding what is next

This week I experienced one of the most amazing things that can ever happen to anybody. I achieved a life dream. I finally heard on Tuesday that my first book will be published in March (yes you heard it here first folks!) It is the most wonderful feeling in the world. But surprisingly quickly I … Continue reading #Lifelessons101 – What to do when you achieve a life dream? 5 steps to finding what is next

Presentation Anxiety

6 Tips to control your public speaking performance anxiety and give your best speech ever

Public speaking is one of the perils of modern life. Whether at work, school or home there is hardly anyone who likes to do it.  3 out of 4 adults struggle with public speaking and around 74% of adults have an acute fear of speaking. Out of all the phobias out there, public speaking is … Continue reading 6 Tips to control your public speaking performance anxiety and give your best speech ever