Evaluate your year

#lifelessons101 – Evaluate your Year- Get Ready for 2020

The holiday fun and games are over and soon it will be time to get back into your normal day to day routine. And of course we are all thinking of the new year to come. But before you step into the anything is possible January dawn it can be a wise and enriching activity to look back over your previous year.

Evaluating your past year gets you ready for the year to come

Think of it as a mental tidying up and clearing out. Evaluating the past year gets you mentally clear and makes space for new things to come. This is a great time to take stock of the life lessons learned, goals achieved and celebrate the magical moments from the past year.

There are a few ways you can evaluate the past year- here are a few of my favourite tried and tested ways to evaluate the past year and get ready for the year to come.

The Year Compass

This is probably my all time favorite evaluation tool. Started in Budapest in 2013 by some friends (and is now a global non profit movement) The Year Compass is a free downloadable booklet that helps you to evaluate your old year and plan for the new. Simply Print, answer the questions and come out at the end knowing exactly where you are going !!  I highly recommend this brilliant idea for getting clear around where you have been and where you are heading!

Download yours here for free! 

Journal reflection – 6 simple Questions

For those of you that like a quicker process then do some journal reflection and ask yourself the following 6 questions.Write the answers out so you can see clearly where you have been and what you need to do. 

  • What was great this year? 
  • What was not great?
  • What did I learn? 
  • How did I surprise myself?  
  • What needs to stop to make next year great? 
  • What needs to start to make next year great?

Record and Plot the Story

I love the power of stories on the human brain. This is a chance for you not only to back up your personal memory files but to create the target for December next year. 

First write out the story of this year. The big events, the lessons learned, the highs and the lows (look to see where the lesson of learning was in the lows). Think of it as writing your family newsletter for yourself.  Take it month for month from January to December. Plot out what happened. 

Now do the same for the New Year.  But this time write it as though you have achieved the goals you want for this coming year. Write it in the past tense with gratitude. Describe the adventures you want to have, the lifestyle and the achievements. Write it feeling the way you want to feel at the end of next year.

Evaluating your progress and achievements in an important part of the manifestation process. If nothing else it gives you a motivational boost to keep on moving forward. In a busy life this can be a powerful tool of self reflection. And as Harvard has proved. People that self reflect are likely to be 23 % more productive than people that don’t. Personally I love to do this process each year because from here I build my goals for the new year and then I simply just follow the plan. No decision stress. I know exactly where I am going. 

And that is the best way to start the New Year! 

Have fun evaluating your year  – let me know  which tool you tried using! 

<3 Emma-Jane

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