spiritual self love

Spiritual Self Love – 3 powerful practices

Spirituality and Self-love go hand. Spiritual self-love is all about being good to yourself, to love, honour, appreciate and accept all of yourself as part of your spiritual practice. Spiritual self-love is a beautiful way to incorporate move love into your life in very simple ways, but more importantly, it connects you to you. Learn how to love yourself spiritually through these self-love practices that are so simple you can start them right now.

Self-Love Meditation

Guided meditations are a root of my spiritual practice. They bring me connection, peace and insights and help me to grow. All of which are gifts of self love. Here is a wonderful guided self-love meditation that you can use as a spiritual practice. 

Find somwhere you will not be disturbed and can sit comfortably, light a candle.

Take a moment to centre yourself, find your breath and take 6  gentle breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Quietly say to yourself:

“May I be happy, may I be healthy, may I be well”

Repeat this softly 10 times, allowing the essence of peace to flow through your heart.

Place your hands on different parts of your body, and as you lovingly touch these parts quietly say to yourself:

“I am forever grateful to live in such a beautiful temple. My body is sacred, and I honor it with nourishing thoughts, food, touch, and play. I love who I am, and I am grateful for being exactly as I am.”

Place your hands on your heart, quietly say to yourself: 

“I am forever grateful for my soul. My soul is my essence, my unique spirit, that allows me to experience, love, laugh, cry and learn.  I love who I am, and I am grateful for being exactly as I am.”

Find your breath and take 6  gentle breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.

If you like you can add a prayer of gratitude here for your life, your body and your soul. 

And as you go through your day, now and then, take time to pause and remember how beautiful, divine and loving you are.

Cleansing Self-love ritual

I love to cleanse my body and soul. Grooming is a loving act we human beings have been doing for years so within this ritual I combine the spiritual act of cleansing with the physical act of grooming. I used to do this ritual before important moments in my life, before ceremonies or before festivals of  the wheel of the year. 

For this ritual you will need: 

  • Incense or sage
  • Candles
  • A bath or bowl of water and a clean cloth
  • Essential oils
  • Salt
  • Candles
  •  Music and Crystals if you like

Prepare a sacred space in your normal fashion. 

Light the candles and the incense. 

Take a moment to centre yourself, find your breath and take 6  gentle breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Begin to smudge your body with the incense. Gently passing it by all of your body from the tip of your toes to the top of you head your arms and your hands. (NB don’t hold it too close) As you move the scent around your body imagine any unwanted or negative energy dispersing and your personal energy field or aura clearing.

Now add the oils and salt to your bath or bowl of water. 

Take 6  gentle breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Now begin to wash your body. As you wash each part of you repeat gently to yourself.

“I love you. I will take care of you. You are beautiful. You are magical. “

 Take as long as you want to gently clean your body, to wash your hair, to be kind and loving to yourself. 

If you like you can add a prayer of gratitude here for your life, your body and your soul. 

You can finish your ritual by pampering yourself after the bath, journalling or drinking a nice cup of tea. Continue to maintain this loving and caring approach to yourself for the rest of the day.

caring for your spirit

I personally work with spirit animals. It is part of my spiritual tradition (non-native american) and it appears in so many cultures I see spirit animals as a human thing not specific to a particular culture. (Although each culture interprets the animals differently). If you work with a spirit animal a beautiful spiritual self-love practice is to journey to meet them and spend time caring for them. Our spirit animals, in my opinion are parts of us. So what could be more loving than caring for them on our journey? If you haven’t found your spirit animal yet I have a mini course that will help you to find yours. Connecting with you spirit animal is a great way to connect with yourself at a deep level. Again that connection is also an enriching act of self-love. 

Find your spirit animal

Connect with yourself at the deepest root and meet your spirit animal. 

One of your greatest life teachers and companions, knowing your spirit animal will not only help you to understand yourself but also grow, strengthen and flourish. 

This mini course comes with an e-book and guided journey so you can find your spirit animal right away !

Go to the shop!

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