Many people today perceive themselves as separate from nature. Not surprising considering how far removed our lives are from her rythm. Cities, technology, big industry have seperated us from nature. And from the cycles of the seasons. And the stupid thing is that we are not meant to be apart from nature. All the convieniences … Continue reading Why we need a Spiritual Connection to Nature
Month: September 2021
How to Celebrate Samhain
In October death is all around us. All of life is withdrawing into itself. This is a time of rest and rejuvenation. The work of the year is almost complete. The wheel will soon turn. Samhain is both the ending and the beginning of the wheel. The Celts regarded Samhain eve like our New year … Continue reading How to Celebrate Samhain
What is the Wheel of the Year?
Nature flows in cycles. Our Celtic and Nordic ancestors understood this. For the ancient Celts and Scandinavians seasonal changes were important both in agriculture and for survival. Not to mention spiritually. For them the turning of the seasons was a rythm they knew blood, skin and bone. A root to their lives that we are loosing … Continue reading What is the Wheel of the Year?