Spiritual Self Care

Wintertime Spiritual Self Care

Is it just me or are you feeling the need to hibernate? I don’t know about you but I am drained. I always find this time of year such a conflict. My body and mother nature is telling me to hibernate, get cosy, rest and regenerate. Whilst the crazy 21st centuary lifestyle is pushing me hard. November is always one of those months where my energy ebbs away to a grey drizzle and I am running on the battery fumes.  

Is this just a me thing or are you feeling it too? 

It’s at this time of year in all of the overwhelm my spirituality just gets pushed to the end of my to-do list. Which as a spiritual growth coach it goes against everything I know I need. 

So I am putting the brakes on and taking a stand for what I know truly feeds my mind, body and soul!

Whose with me ?!?

Let’s do this!

It’s time for some spiritual self-care!

We all know what physical self care is but have you ever stopped and thought about what you need when your spiritual life is in sore need of some TLC? Don’t feel bad if you dont’, not many of us do. Like most things involved in a spiritual life it is down to your needs and is as unique as your spiritual path. As it should be. However there are some universal things you can do that will give you a spiritual self care boost when you need it most. 


Spiritual health screening

Checking in with our body once a year is a given. But what about your soul? Start your spiritual self-care by screening your spiritual health. Now dependant on your path there may already be guidance on how to do this. For me I like to think about the roots of my spirituality and for me that is spending time in nature. Easy to whimp out on when it’s cold outside. I also practice meditation and journeying to get back to my source. Connecting with the elements is another part of my practices. So for me I would check in with these practices and see which one I feel would energise me the most right now. A mindfulness body scan or journalling are both great ways to do this screening. Ask yourself ‘Where is the unrest sitting in my body and soul and what would rebalance that? ‘

make it important

This might sound a little obvious but we do forget to make our spirituality important in the run up to Yule. Choose your activity and do it within the next 24 hours. Be careful of setting yourself up for a fail here. Don’t plan something that will take lots of time or needs alot of preperation. Start small. Give yourself a little boost. Once you have done it once, make it important to do again a few days later. Yes schedule it. Carve out time for it. Your soul needs this. Even just making 20 mins a day to read a book of spiritual inspiration or meditation or prayer will start to recharge those spiritual and emotional batteries.  

Connect with source

Whatever you belive the divine to be, at the heart and center of spiritual self-care is reconnecting with source. By that I mean the divine source that you believe in. Whether that is visiting a temple or through meditation or cleansing and redeadicating your alter or sacred space or rebalancing your chakras. Connect with your source and you will feel nourished.

Get out in nature

Of course connecting with nature is going to help our physical bodies onr SO many levels but it is the one way we can all, no matter our beliefs truly connect with the universe. It also gives you the opportunity to snuggle in all kinds of cosy winter clothes and have a warm hot chocolate or tumeric milk when you get home – who says what is good for the body is not good for the soul! Taking a walk in nature, meditating in nature, journalling or simply being in nature is a beautiful practice that will bring you back into the hear and now. And nothing is more spiritual than being truly present. 

Remember no matter what you do, do something for your soul and foster your spiritual roots this week. It’s from those roots we grow so nourish them tenderly 

New Seasonal Spirituality E-book Available now!!!

Everything you need to know about the magical winter solstice celebrated as the Nordic and Celtic festival of Yule. The shortest day and longest night, the birth of the summer sun in the middle of the winter. In this book you will learn the roots of Yule and discover how you can connect with Mother Earth at this magical time of year, through ceremony, activities & celebrations.

Understanding Yule E-book

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