With the frost sparkling on the ground and the bite in the air it is unsurprising that the December full moon is called the Cold Moon. You might think that with all the darkness in December that this full moon is a time of hibernation and isolation, actually its the complete opposite. The Cold Moon … Continue reading The Cold Moon – Spiritual Symbology & Celebrations
Author: Emma-Jane @ Re:root
The Hunter’s Moon – Spiritual Symbology & Celebrations
Traditionally, the Hunter's Moon got its name from the people in the Northern Hemisphere who spent October preparing for the coming winter by hunting, slaughtering, and preserving meats. Every three years however, the Hunter’s Moon is the Harvest Moon. This special moon is red, and can also be referred to as the blood moon. Seasonally it marks … Continue reading The Hunter’s Moon – Spiritual Symbology & Celebrations
How to Celebrate Mabon – the Autumn Equinox?
The wheel has turned again and the Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon is soon upon us. You can probably see Mabon fast approaching by the turning of the leaves, transitioning from green, to yellow, amber and brown. But you might alsp be able to smell it in the wind. Mabon has a hint of … Continue reading How to Celebrate Mabon – the Autumn Equinox?
The Harvest Moon – Spiritual Symbology & Celebrations
The harvest moon of september is one of the most special of the year. Unlike other full moons, the harvest moon is a little different in both its colour and timing. The harvest moon takes place during the autumnal equinox, when the sun crosses the celestial equator from north to south at the start of autumn. Unlike … Continue reading The Harvest Moon – Spiritual Symbology & Celebrations
The Grain Moon – Spiritual Symbology & Celebrations
The Grain moon, also called the Sturgeon moon; truly represents the last days of summer. The harvest is being brought home and the hazy heat (if not this year unbearable heat) of the summer sun we are begining the journey of slowing down preparing for the winter months to come. Our first harvest is beginning … Continue reading The Grain Moon – Spiritual Symbology & Celebrations
How to celebrate Lammas?
The sun is shining on the wheat in the fields and the tractors are beggining their race against the weather to bring in the harvest. Which means it is soon Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh, the ancient celtic festival celebrating the first harvest of the wheel of the year. Or as we call it the … Continue reading How to celebrate Lammas?
Nature Spirituality Summer Reads!
Ahhh summer is coming time to kick back, relax and if you are like me read! I love to invest some of my holiday time investing in my mind and soul. And nothing, as far as I am concerned; is a better way of doing that than reading some new spiritual growth books… So here … Continue reading Nature Spirituality Summer Reads!
The Buck Moon – Spiritual Symbology & Celebrations
During July the hazy long days and short nights mean that the full moon is even more tantalising. The Buck moon is due to the male deer, known as a buck. By late July, the rack of a buck is forming into impressive antlers. It's antlers won't truly form until mid-September, the velvety layer will … Continue reading The Buck Moon – Spiritual Symbology & Celebrations
How to Celebrate Summer Solstice?
At summer solstice, also known as Litha the summer sun born, in the heart of the midwinter has reached the fullest point in its journey! Litha is a day of inner power and brightness for nature and for us! In a way the solstice has always confused me a little becuase on the one hand … Continue reading How to Celebrate Summer Solstice?
The Strawberry Moon – Spiritual Symbology & Celebrations
One of the most quintessential symbols of summer has to be the strawberry. So it makes perfect sense that the June full moon is known as the Strawberry Moon. In June we have well and truly left the spring behind and we are bursting into summer. Litha, the summer solstice is soon, the sun's power … Continue reading The Strawberry Moon – Spiritual Symbology & Celebrations