Many people today perceive themselves as separate from nature. Not surprising considering how far removed our lives are from her rythm. Cities, technology, big industry have seperated us from nature. And from the cycles of the seasons. And the stupid thing is that we are not meant to be apart from nature. All the convieniences … Continue reading Why we need a Spiritual Connection to Nature
Category: Mental Heath & Wellness
How does spirituality help low self-esteem
Low self esteem can feel like rot. A canker eating away at the soul. Not surprising really as lack of confidence is interconnected with our sense of purpose, sense of identity and of course our self-esteem. At this point in time, more than ever, a surprising amount of people suffer with low self esteem, low … Continue reading How does spirituality help low self-esteem
Why is Self-love Important for You in 2021?
Recently you may have noticed that I have been writing alot about Self-love. So you may be wondering why the heck does Emma-Jane keep going on about Self-Love? Well my friend it's like this. In the past year or so we have all been on anxiety mode. We are all suffering some forms of COVID … Continue reading Why is Self-love Important for You in 2021?
Letting Go Sometimes Means Facing Things You Don’t Want to Face
Now I know the old adage is true "when you let go of your past it make space for something in the future". But those inspirational insta quotes don't half cover the messier parts of letting go. Don't you think? I personally think it kind of puts a huge amount of gloss and filtre over … Continue reading Letting Go Sometimes Means Facing Things You Don’t Want to Face
Debunking some Self-love Myths
One thing I have noticed in my years as a coach is the misconceptions people have about self-love. Self-love is a phrase that get's thrown around a lot and that often gets missused in social media. So I thougt today I would take a moment to clear things up and debunk a few of the … Continue reading Debunking some Self-love Myths
Create a Self-Love Ritual
It’s the Weekend!! I love weekends not just because time to spend with those I love, do things I haven’t had time for in the work week BUT most of all this is the time where I can create the oppotunity to give myself some self-love. And one of the ways that I find is a … Continue reading Create a Self-Love Ritual
3 Self-Love Practices for Anxiety
Just ‘love yourself’ is something we hear all over the place today. To be honest the phrase self-love is a bit over used and fluffy in my opinion. However, even I can’t deny it that Self-love practices really, truly do help if you have anxiety, mental health challenges or burnout. I just gave myself five days … Continue reading 3 Self-Love Practices for Anxiety
How to Help Someone You Love with Anxiety
I get asked this question alot. Seeing someone you love having or living with anxiety is tough. It can feel scary, overwhelming and frustrating, because you want to help and you don’t know how. At the same time it is hard to be a partner, a friend and when needed a carer. No as always … Continue reading How to Help Someone You Love with Anxiety
4 Self Love Tips for Your Mental Health
Self-love and mental health are two words that are being talked about more and more today. (Woot!) but what many people are not talking about is how self love is an essential part of taking care of your mental health and wellness. And you might be thinking what? Self-love and mental health are talked about. … Continue reading 4 Self Love Tips for Your Mental Health
Yesterday I lost my best friend – yes, my Cat- Mitaku Oyasin
Yesterday my world got shaken. And now I am sitting here in the after shock not knowing how to cope, my heart and mind a whirlwind of grief, saddness, guilt and loss. Because yesterday I lost my best friend. My beloved cat Dougal. Usually when I write my blog I talk to you guys about … Continue reading Yesterday I lost my best friend – yes, my Cat- Mitaku Oyasin