Ahhh summer is coming time to kick back, relax and if you are like me read! I love to invest some of my holiday time investing in my mind and soul. And nothing, as far as I am concerned; is a better way of doing that than reading some new spiritual growth books… So here … Continue reading Nature Spirituality Summer Reads!
Category: Uncategorized
The Buck Moon – Spiritual Symbology & Celebrations
During July the hazy long days and short nights mean that the full moon is even more tantalising. The Buck moon is due to the male deer, known as a buck. By late July, the rack of a buck is forming into impressive antlers. It's antlers won't truly form until mid-September, the velvety layer will … Continue reading The Buck Moon – Spiritual Symbology & Celebrations
The Snow Moon – Spiritual Symbology & Celebrations
As I write the wind is blazing up outside, there is frost in the air and on the ground and the sky is grey and blergh! This just six days after Imbolc- the festival celebrating the birth of Spring. Looking outside my window it doesn't seem like Mother Nature has got with the program... or has … Continue reading The Snow Moon – Spiritual Symbology & Celebrations
Wintertime Spiritual Self Care
Is it just me or are you feeling the need to hibernate? I don't know about you but I am drained. I always find this time of year such a conflict. My body and mother nature is telling me to hibernate, get cosy, rest and regenerate. Whilst the crazy 21st centuary lifestyle is pushing me … Continue reading Wintertime Spiritual Self Care
How does spirituality help low self-esteem
Low self esteem can feel like rot. A canker eating away at the soul. Not surprising really as lack of confidence is interconnected with our sense of purpose, sense of identity and of course our self-esteem. At this point in time, more than ever, a surprising amount of people suffer with low self esteem, low … Continue reading How does spirituality help low self-esteem
4 Lessons learnt from a Summer of Self-love
This summer I decided to give myself a gift of total immersion into self-love. I dedicated 5 weeks into actively practicing self-love, prioritising my relationship with myself. It has been the most amazing journey. I feel alive in a way I haven't in such a long time. I know who I am and where I … Continue reading 4 Lessons learnt from a Summer of Self-love
Find your personal power/connect with your animal
With Summer Solstice just around the corner I find this is the perfect time of year to reconnect with my personal power source and own my power to the fullest. I like to think of it as literally a mid year powering up or M.O.T that gives me a power boost that charges me to … Continue reading Find your personal power/connect with your animal
3 Self-Love Practices for Anxiety
Just 'love yourself' is something we hear all over the place today. To be honest the phrase self-love is a bit over used and fluffy in my opinion. However, even I can't deny it that Self-love practices really, truly do help if you have anxiety, mental health challenges or burnout. I just gave myself five days … Continue reading 3 Self-Love Practices for Anxiety
How to Help Someone You Love with Anxiety
I get asked this question alot. Seeing someone you love having or living with anxiety is tough. It can feel scary, overwhelming and frustrating, because you want to help and you don't know how. At the same time it is hard to be a partner, a friend and when needed a carer. No as always … Continue reading How to Help Someone You Love with Anxiety
Yesterday I lost my best friend – yes, my Cat- Mitaku Oyasin
Yesterday my world got shaken. And now I am sitting here in the after shock not knowing how to cope, my heart and mind a whirlwind of grief, saddness, guilt and loss. Because yesterday I lost my best friend. My beloved cat Dougal. Usually when I write my blog I talk to you guys about … Continue reading Yesterday I lost my best friend – yes, my Cat- Mitaku Oyasin