The wheel has turned again and the Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon is soon upon us. You can probably see Mabon fast approaching by the turning of the leaves, transitioning from green, to yellow, amber and brown. But you might alsp be able to smell it in the wind. Mabon has a hint of … Continue reading How to Celebrate Mabon – the Autumn Equinox?
Category: Wheel of the Year
How to celebrate Lammas?
The sun is shining on the wheat in the fields and the tractors are beggining their race against the weather to bring in the harvest. Which means it is soon Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh, the ancient celtic festival celebrating the first harvest of the wheel of the year. Or as we call it the … Continue reading How to celebrate Lammas?
How to Celebrate Beltane?
The birds are singing, the trees are bursting with blossom and the sun is warmer which means we are all showing less skin. It can only mean one thing...Beltane is just around the corner. Beltane is the 3rd of the Celtic Fire Festivals in the Wheel of the Year and it is the final fertility festival of … Continue reading How to Celebrate Beltane?
How to Celebrate Ostara
The lambs are born, the daffodils are bursting forth and the birds fill the air. The land is full of hustle and bustle and that can mean only one thing. Ostara is here! The Spring Equinox, known as Ostara is literally one of the busiest festivals inthe wheel of the year. Just 6 weeks after Imbolc … Continue reading How to Celebrate Ostara
How to Celebrate Imbolc
Imbolc is considered to be the celtic celebration of the end of winter, and the imminent beginning of the light half of the year. It’s coming signified that the hardest, coldest part of the year was almost over. Imbolc is one of my favourite points in the year. In contrast to some of society, who … Continue reading How to Celebrate Imbolc
How to celebrate the Winter Solstice
The winter solstice, also known as Yule; is a time of joy and celebration. The high point in the middle of the winter darkness. As Samhain was about remembering our past, at Yule we celebrate the here and now. Our familys and those we love. As well as the birth of new things to come. … Continue reading How to celebrate the Winter Solstice
What is the Wheel of the Year?
Nature flows in cycles. Our Celtic and Nordic ancestors understood this. For the ancient Celts and Scandinavians seasonal changes were important both in agriculture and for survival. Not to mention spiritually. For them the turning of the seasons was a rythm they knew blood, skin and bone. A root to their lives that we are loosing … Continue reading What is the Wheel of the Year?
How to Celebrate Mabon
Mabon, also known as the Autumn Equinox is just around the corner. Mabon is the 8th festival in the celtic and nordic wheel of the year. It is sometimes known as the pagan Thanksgiving, Mabon marks the Autumn Equinox, when day and night are equal and is the celebration of the second harvest. Or as … Continue reading How to Celebrate Mabon
Imbolc – Awakening & clarity after Winter’s hibernation
Some people love January as the time of new beginnings. But for me February always feels like the month to get going. With the pale golden sun, snow gently melting and the buds and shoots appearing, it is here where I feel energy coming back into my bones. The Spring is coming! It's time to … Continue reading Imbolc – Awakening & clarity after Winter’s hibernation
Celebrating Lammas – why the Celtic Harvest Festival is still so relevant today!
The fields are golden, the land is bountiful, the apples are ripening in the trees. It is time to begin the harvest, to reap the seeds sown in spring. And if you like me living in the countryside the harvest is a 24 /7 job and they go at it night and day! In our … Continue reading Celebrating Lammas – why the Celtic Harvest Festival is still so relevant today!