Creating ceremony

Creating ceremony

Ceremony, spirituality and life celebration are important parts of enjoying your journey in life, celebrating important moments and for creating connection. With a background in Celtic & Nordic shamanism Re:root’s Emma-Jane will guide you in learning to create ceremony,  as well as how to create ceremony for important occasions in your life such as a wedding or naming ceremony. 

In this workshop you will learn the basic elements that go into creating a ceremony based upon elements of seasonal spirituality, but also inspired by many other cultures and practices around the world. In this workshop you will:

  • Take part in a gratitude ceremony
  • Experience Circle Talk practices
  • Learn to explore the different elements that go into creating a ceremony
  • Discover how to ceremony for an individual and for group


Re:root and Emma-Jane believe there is no right or wrong way to do ceremony, there is only the right way for you.

And don’t forget to subscribe to re:root’s news letter to hear new workshop dates as soon as we know them!