#lifelessons101: Strengthening your relationship with money energetically and practically (4 min read)

This year I made the decision to change my relationship with money. In fact in March I wrote a life lesson 101 on how to invite financial abundance into your house and home in the spirit of this new relationship. A for a while this new relationship functioned beautifully. I fell in love with money … Continue reading #lifelessons101: Strengthening your relationship with money energetically and practically (4 min read)

You are already living an Abundant Life – let me prove it to you in less than 5 mins!

You have an abundant life.  Didn’t you know? Well fact is, You do.  Let me prove it to you and I promise I will make you a believer that you are super abundant in less than 5 mins!  Now people tend to treat abundance as a goal, a state to get to. However we are actually … Continue reading You are already living an Abundant Life – let me prove it to you in less than 5 mins!

#lifelessons101 – Inviting  financial abundance into your house and home (4 min read)

  We want to be more abundant, it is after all humanity’s Utopian natural state.   Health, wealth and happiness  (not necessarily in that order) is something we all desire.  And if you look at the world’s resources, there is more than enough for everyone so realistically we can all live abundant lives.  Yet in spite … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – Inviting  financial abundance into your house and home (4 min read)