Under a fair amount of stress at the moment I am finding many things frustrate me. This week I had one particular incident with a company who has provided me with bad products and bad service. Now normally that would annoy me but in my current frame of mind, I exploded with frustration. It was … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – Frustrated? Try the healing power of whimsy
Tag: Relationships
How to communicate your self worth in your relationships
Recently a friend who is in a new relationship was having trouble communicating with her new partner. Her problem was something we have all been through. She wanted him to do something differently but was afraid to speak her mind in case it put the relationship in danger. (We have all been there at some … Continue reading How to communicate your self worth in your relationships
Trust is like a marble jar (3 steps to trust in 3 mins read)
"No man is an island" is an indisputable saying. We simply cannot do everything alone. Which means that trust is central to being human. We have been doing it for thousands of years. Which should mean that we are really good at it by now, yet thousands of us have trust issues. Do you ? … Continue reading Trust is like a marble jar (3 steps to trust in 3 mins read)
#lifelessons101 – Why people are draining you and how to stop it happening (3 min read)
It’s friday night, there is glorious sunshine out of my window, the wind is blowing and the garden is calling yet tonight I am simply too shattered to go out and play. I am tired. I am people tired. As a life coach, and also in my private life, I work with people everyday and … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – Why people are draining you and how to stop it happening (3 min read)
#lifelessons101 – Make a lovely start to your weekend by randomly making someone else feel appreciated (2 min read)
In the last two weeks I have had 2 completely out of the blue, completely unexpected messages over social media that have made me feel appreciated and wonderful. Two people who don’t know each other wrote to me independently to say how I made their day better by my positivity and that the impact in … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – Make a lovely start to your weekend by randomly making someone else feel appreciated (2 min read)
#lifelessons101 – Inviting financial abundance into your house and home (4 min read)
We want to be more abundant, it is after all humanity’s Utopian natural state. Health, wealth and happiness (not necessarily in that order) is something we all desire. And if you look at the world’s resources, there is more than enough for everyone so realistically we can all live abundant lives. Yet in spite … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – Inviting financial abundance into your house and home (4 min read)
#Lifelessons101 – Arrgh! I’m surrounded by idiots – 3 emotionally intelligent ways to deal with the most annoying of people (3 min read)
You know life sometimes just seems to be filled with annoying people. Everywhere you go you meet someone who is irritating or unnecessarily stupid or even worse you meet someone and it is hate at first sight. Meeting annoying people or even someone who you instantly dislike is unfortunately something we have all experienced. … Continue reading #Lifelessons101 – Arrgh! I’m surrounded by idiots – 3 emotionally intelligent ways to deal with the most annoying of people (3 min read)
What planet is he/she on ?!?!?! – 5 ways to understand other people (3 min read)
What planet are they on?!?! There is not one of us who has not asked this question at least once in our lives. Sometimes understanding other people can seem like the most impossible task in the world. It doesn’t matter who it is or your relationship to them. It could be the teacher that sets … Continue reading What planet is he/she on ?!?!?! – 5 ways to understand other people (3 min read)
#Lifelessons101 – I do everything in our house – but do you really?
After talking to a Mr the other day about our role in our homes and in our families. It became very obvious that we both were having the same feeling and frustration about our lives. We both felt that we de 90% of everything at home. We both felt that every day we had to … Continue reading #Lifelessons101 – I do everything in our house – but do you really?
Improving your relationships : Part 3 – 8 tips for improving exsisting relationships, you get what you give (5 min read)
This is the final part in the 3 part series about how to improve your relationships. In part one we looked at the seed of any healthy relationship, the relationship with yourself. Last week we looked at the roots of growing a healthy relationship and this week we are going to talk about how to create … Continue reading Improving your relationships : Part 3 – 8 tips for improving exsisting relationships, you get what you give (5 min read)