
#lifelessons101 – Motivation, determination and manifestation – the sweet always comes after the sour!

How to find light through the darkeness on your manifestation journey It’s been a crazy week! And it really hit me whiile I was looking for inspiration for this week’s life lessons and found an old post I wrote back in 2017 #lifelessons101: Motivation, manifestation, determination, a free umbrella and a slice of pie! Funnily enough that … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – Motivation, determination and manifestation – the sweet always comes after the sour!

How to work or study from home during coronavirus lock down

Tips and tricks to Working and Studying from Home During the Coronavirus Lock down

Are you struggeling working or studying from home during Coronavirus lockdown ? Emma-Jane has got you covered! Try her tips and find out how you can still be productive and enjoy your time in the home office This weekend my social media has been filled with people enjoying time with their families at home and … Continue reading Tips and tricks to Working and Studying from Home During the Coronavirus Lock down

Minimise Stress and Maximise on Fun during a Coronavirus Lockdown - the cure for cabin fever

#Lifelessons101 – Minimise Stress and Maximise on Fun during a Coronavirus Lockdown – the jolly cure for cabin fever!

WHat the world needs now is a bit more fun! With WHO defining the Coronavirus as a Pandemic this week it is not surprising to see some countries have gone into lock down isolating many of us in our homes for who knows how long. This sudden restriction on our lifestyles, the fear of the … Continue reading #Lifelessons101 – Minimise Stress and Maximise on Fun during a Coronavirus Lockdown – the jolly cure for cabin fever!

#lifelessons101 – Inspiring People – The Queen of Jolly and Brave Honesty Miranda Hart

One of the tricks I have learnt over the years is when I need encouragement, inspiration or just cheering up is to revisit the work and life stories of people I find inspiring.  And recently it has been one of what I consider to be one of the most inspiring people on the planet.  Miranda … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – Inspiring People – The Queen of Jolly and Brave Honesty Miranda Hart

Swearing can be good for communication

#lifelessons101 – Why swearing can be good for effective communication

This week I posted the “If I held a Ted Talk what would you expect it to be about” meme on Facebook. And of course as a coach there were many suggestions about personal development.  But the answer that made me scream with laughter was ‘ Effective Communication Through Swearing’ !!  This person knows me … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – Why swearing can be good for effective communication