In my happiness project this month’s theme is gratitude. I have been consciously aware of the things I have to be grateful for, making sure that I let the people in my life that I am thankful for them. And yes, I do feel blessed by all the wonderful and beautiful things in my life. … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – How random acts of kindness will deepen your gratitude and enrich your life
Tag: gratitude
How to cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude in 3 easy steps
You may have heard this phrase before that the key to a happy life is to have an attitude of gratitude. A phrase that although absolutely accurate also makes me instinctively wince from the cheese factor that comes with it. Yet looking around us in nature right now, it’s practically impossible to not see the … Continue reading How to cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude in 3 easy steps
#lifelessons 101- Shedding light on the joy in our lives – inspiration for creating your own Yuletide/Solstice traditions
Today is a special day. It is the shortest day of the year. The Winter Solstice. When the sun sets today the longest night will start and at dawn the summer sun is born as the days gradually get a little bit longer. I love the duality and the magic of this time. The idea … Continue reading #lifelessons 101- Shedding light on the joy in our lives – inspiration for creating your own Yuletide/Solstice traditions
You are already living an Abundant Life
You have an abundant life. Didn’t you know? You do. We all do, actually. People tend to treat abundance as a goal, a state to get to. However we are actually born abundant. We are born into a world where the natural law is abundance. There is enough air, enough water, enough trees. Yet we … Continue reading You are already living an Abundant Life
You are already living an Abundant Life – let me prove it to you in less than 5 mins!
You have an abundant life. Didn’t you know? Well fact is, You do. Let me prove it to you and I promise I will make you a believer that you are super abundant in less than 5 mins! Now people tend to treat abundance as a goal, a state to get to. However we are actually … Continue reading You are already living an Abundant Life – let me prove it to you in less than 5 mins!
Happy Lammas !
Today is the celtic festival of Lammas - the first harvest. A great point in the year to stop and take stock and be thankful for the harvest we have manifested throughout the year. May your harvest be abundant and beautiful <3
Have a healthy life by celebrating your success! (2 min read)
I’m sitting here alone on a Monday afternoon, in a cafe on a sunny day in Denmark with relaxing jazz in the background and a tall cold, glass of bubbling wine in my hand. I am celebrating my latest success! It’s lovely. I probably don’t look as chic as I feel but it’s the feeling … Continue reading Have a healthy life by celebrating your success! (2 min read)
#lifelessons101 – Inviting financial abundance into your house and home (4 min read)
We want to be more abundant, it is after all humanity’s Utopian natural state. Health, wealth and happiness (not necessarily in that order) is something we all desire. And if you look at the world’s resources, there is more than enough for everyone so realistically we can all live abundant lives. Yet in spite … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – Inviting financial abundance into your house and home (4 min read)
#lifelessons101- The ultimate instant stress relief – Set you inner child free this weekend! (4 min read)
This week has been amazing! Honestly I haven’t enjoyed myself so much in such a long time. And why? Well this week I have spent a lot of time doing things that has made my inner child incredibly happy. I kid you not! (Sorry. Inexcusable terrible pun... I couldn’t resist it) Seriously though the last … Continue reading #lifelessons101- The ultimate instant stress relief – Set you inner child free this weekend! (4 min read)
#lifelessons101 – Sometimes doing what you don’t want to do is exactly what you need and comes with unexpected bonuses (2 min read)
Sometimes doing what you don’t want to do is exactly what you need to do. I know when talking about life or personal development we talk about making informed, positive choices. Facing situations with positivity. Sending out the right vibrations. And yes all of these things have value. However there are sometimes in life … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – Sometimes doing what you don’t want to do is exactly what you need and comes with unexpected bonuses (2 min read)