I am a workaholic. I am. I love to be busy, creating, manifesting. The summer holidays is looming and this year Mr T and I have chosen to spend a few weeks of it at home. Two weeks at home, with no work. My mind was racing, what the heck am I going to do? … Continue reading #lifelessons101- All work and no play makes jack a dull boy (2 min read)
Tag: play
What’s your secret Disney Identity? Disney films and characters as a self development and motivational tool (3 min read)
I was recently asked if ‘You were a brand what brand would you be?’ 'What brand would describe your personality?' Wow great soul searching questions and the answer? I would be Disney. (And seriously for a natural conscious earth respecting hippie like myself I was shocked at this however the fact remained that I as … Continue reading What’s your secret Disney Identity? Disney films and characters as a self development and motivational tool (3 min read)
Turn your Monday frown upside down in three inspiring and hilarious steps!
Mondays uggh! Some days you just get out of the wrong side of the bed. Today I had it on overload. At 3 minutes to 8am I was done. Even after spending time going through my gratitude list and my positive affirmations 3 secs later something new just annoyed me. Nothing seemed to be shifting … Continue reading Turn your Monday frown upside down in three inspiring and hilarious steps!
Improving your relationships – The roots of a healthy relationship in 6 easy steps (3 min read)
This is part 2 of the three part series on Improving your relationships. Last week was about you, this week it's about other people. The roots of a great relationship People need other people. It’s the way we are made. We need each other to create, to support and to love. We need to connect … Continue reading Improving your relationships – The roots of a healthy relationship in 6 easy steps (3 min read)
#Lifelessons101- Little acts of kindness go a long, long way; also known as the Punk and the Doll’s knickers ( 2 min read)
In childhood there are events that shape us, change us and are often the first flutter of our life beliefs forming. One of the most profound moments in my childhood actually came about because of a pair of dolls knickers and has taught me life lesson I have never ever forgotten. At a very short … Continue reading #Lifelessons101- Little acts of kindness go a long, long way; also known as the Punk and the Doll’s knickers ( 2 min read)
#lifelessons101 – Do you dare take the 7 day laughter challenge? (4 min read)
People say that laughter is the best medicine and last night I got a double dose of it. In our kitchen, totally exhausted and Mr T said something funny (and no I now have no idea what it was) and I cracked up. Seriously I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard. I fell … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – Do you dare take the 7 day laughter challenge? (4 min read)
#lifelessons101 – Life without play is just existing (And why I like to play with wands… Expelliarmus!!) (2 min read)
This weekend I will be donning my purple wig, grabbing my leather jacket, putting on my battered old army boots and heading on the yearly Odense Harry Potter Festival. That’s right I am going to be playing Tonks and Mr T will be Lupin, complete with scar on face and a stick on moustache ( which … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – Life without play is just existing (And why I like to play with wands… Expelliarmus!!) (2 min read)