If you follow my blog regularly you will know I have a source of inspiration from my vulcan-esque muse,my stoic partner and love of my life Mr T. He has this innate ability to take some of the biggest topics of debate and simmer them down with logic to an infallible, indisputable sentence. And this … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – True Love isn’t meant to be easy – the difference between romantic and real true love
Tag: love life
An easy ABC guide to making self-love a daily practise
One of my goals for this year is to work on my self-love and build self-love into my life routine. Luckily the internet has a mountain of advice and inspiration. However, a lot of it is very vague. I understand, and practice, the art of non-negative thinking. I remind myself to stop the guilt cycles … Continue reading An easy ABC guide to making self-love a daily practise
#lifelessons101 – Remember what you love to do in life and do it! (A little known ingredient of a successful life)
Sitting here very early on Mr T’s birthday drinking coffee with the cats, I can’t help thinking, wow I love my life! The past few days have been a whirl of cleaning, making food and preparing for the 32 friends and family who will be coming here to celebrate with us. I am exhausted (especially … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – Remember what you love to do in life and do it! (A little known ingredient of a successful life)
Lifelessons101 – How to be a positive person in 6 easy steps
We all have that one person in our network. The complainer. The pessimist. The person you can spend 5 minutes around and feel stressed and worn out just by listening to them. There are people in this world who just live in the negative. I have one in my life and recently after a long … Continue reading Lifelessons101 – How to be a positive person in 6 easy steps
#Lifelessons101 -A guide to sleeping for your success. You can sleep your way to the top! (2 min read)
It is amazing how many people sleep less and less the older we get. I mean why? Our bodies don’t need less sleep, in fact as we get older we get tireder quicker and we indeed need more sleep. In the 1980s it became de rigueur to show people how little we sleep. Sleep was … Continue reading #Lifelessons101 -A guide to sleeping for your success. You can sleep your way to the top! (2 min read)
#lifelessons101- Being authentically you in the spotlight in just 3 steps! (2 min read)
When was the last time you were naked? (And no I am not talking about physically I mean metaphorically). In this past week I have had the privilege of participating in the Wonderfully Wierd Women’s Branded workshop created by Esther De Charon De Saint Germain This workshop for me has been a breath of fresh air. … Continue reading #lifelessons101- Being authentically you in the spotlight in just 3 steps! (2 min read)
Have a healthy life by celebrating your success! (2 min read)
I’m sitting here alone on a Monday afternoon, in a cafe on a sunny day in Denmark with relaxing jazz in the background and a tall cold, glass of bubbling wine in my hand. I am celebrating my latest success! It’s lovely. I probably don’t look as chic as I feel but it’s the feeling … Continue reading Have a healthy life by celebrating your success! (2 min read)
What’s your secret Disney Identity? Disney films and characters as a self development and motivational tool (3 min read)
I was recently asked if ‘You were a brand what brand would you be?’ 'What brand would describe your personality?' Wow great soul searching questions and the answer? I would be Disney. (And seriously for a natural conscious earth respecting hippie like myself I was shocked at this however the fact remained that I as … Continue reading What’s your secret Disney Identity? Disney films and characters as a self development and motivational tool (3 min read)