Nature flows in cycles. Our Celtic and Nordic ancestors understood this. For the ancient Celts and Scandinavians seasonal changes were important both in agriculture and for survival. Not to mention spiritually. For them the turning of the seasons was a rythm they knew blood, skin and bone. A root to their lives that we are loosing … Continue reading What is the Wheel of the Year?
Tag: spirituality and personal development
Spiritual Self Love – 3 powerful practices
Spirituality and Self-love go hand. Spiritual self-love is all about being good to yourself, to love, honour, appreciate and accept all of yourself as part of your spiritual practice. Spiritual self-love is a beautiful way to incorporate move love into your life in very simple ways, but more importantly, it connects you to you. Learn how … Continue reading Spiritual Self Love – 3 powerful practices
4 Ways to Live a Spiritual Life without becoming a Monk!
Many of us want a spiritual life but have no idea how to fit spirituality into our daily lives. I mean in days of yore it was easier. Society's spirituality was organised by well, religious organisations. There was a set structure, traditional practices to follow and everybody knew when it was time to be spiritual … Continue reading 4 Ways to Live a Spiritual Life without becoming a Monk!
Everyday spirituality for insanely busy people!
Is it possible to intertwine spirituality into an insanely busy life? There is no doubt about it, today most of us have insanely busy lives. At the same time more and more people are reaching out for a form of spiritual practice. The challenge is how can you bring spirituality into your already jam packed … Continue reading Everyday spirituality for insanely busy people!
What is Seasonal Spirituality?
Walking through life in rhythm with nature I have always loved nature. From my childhood I can clearly remember the five big trees at the green end of our playground. Especially my tree. It had roots that made a spiral staircase, a deep crevice that in my mind was a fireplace and a huge knot … Continue reading What is Seasonal Spirituality?
Knowing where you are going starts by knowing where you come from (The gift of Halloween and Samhain)
Way back in time, before Christianity took root in the Celtic lands, Halloween was celebrated as the festival of Samhain. Samhain was an incredibly potent time for our European ancestors. Not only was it the ending and the beginning of the Celtic year. They believed that at this point of transition in the year the … Continue reading Knowing where you are going starts by knowing where you come from (The gift of Halloween and Samhain)