After all the hustle and bustle of the start of the year here we are at the Easter weekend. It’s been an amazing 3 months here at Re:Root with the launch of the Re:Root Coaching Solutions, prepping for the new radio show, as running up and down country teaching and coaching. I have loved it. And … Continue reading #lifelessons101 Stop and smell the flowers
Tag: enjoy life
Practising abundance -the art of luxury
“Save a penny and walk, and be thankful” is a saying that has stayed with me since my childhood. I first heard it in the book Ballet Shoes where bus fares cost a penny and it was better to walk than waste the money. This phrase for some reason has stuck with me. It reeks … Continue reading Practising abundance -the art of luxury
Lifelessons101 – How to be a positive person in 6 easy steps
We all have that one person in our network. The complainer. The pessimist. The person you can spend 5 minutes around and feel stressed and worn out just by listening to them. There are people in this world who just live in the negative. I have one in my life and recently after a long … Continue reading Lifelessons101 – How to be a positive person in 6 easy steps
You are already living an Abundant Life
You have an abundant life. Didn’t you know? You do. We all do, actually. People tend to treat abundance as a goal, a state to get to. However we are actually born abundant. We are born into a world where the natural law is abundance. There is enough air, enough water, enough trees. Yet we … Continue reading You are already living an Abundant Life
You are already living an Abundant Life – let me prove it to you in less than 5 mins!
You have an abundant life. Didn’t you know? Well fact is, You do. Let me prove it to you and I promise I will make you a believer that you are super abundant in less than 5 mins! Now people tend to treat abundance as a goal, a state to get to. However we are actually … Continue reading You are already living an Abundant Life – let me prove it to you in less than 5 mins!
De stress before your summer holidays!
I don’t know about you but for years June has been one hectic, pressure pot waiting to explode, then at the end the glorious summer holidays arrived and I, would collapse. Worn out to the edges and totally over stretched when my body finally got told it was ok to crash, it did. Teachers I … Continue reading De stress before your summer holidays!
Need more time, just plan your day and free yourself!
Planning. I know, I know we hear it all the time. If you plan your day life is simpler. I used to rail at the idea. I was absolutely no-one is going to tell me what to do, even if it is me telling me what to do! I wanted spontaneity. And I got it. … Continue reading Need more time, just plan your day and free yourself!
#lifelessons101- Being authentically you in the spotlight in just 3 steps! (2 min read)
When was the last time you were naked? (And no I am not talking about physically I mean metaphorically). In this past week I have had the privilege of participating in the Wonderfully Wierd Women’s Branded workshop created by Esther De Charon De Saint Germain This workshop for me has been a breath of fresh air. … Continue reading #lifelessons101- Being authentically you in the spotlight in just 3 steps! (2 min read)
Have a healthy life by celebrating your success! (2 min read)
I’m sitting here alone on a Monday afternoon, in a cafe on a sunny day in Denmark with relaxing jazz in the background and a tall cold, glass of bubbling wine in my hand. I am celebrating my latest success! It’s lovely. I probably don’t look as chic as I feel but it’s the feeling … Continue reading Have a healthy life by celebrating your success! (2 min read)
What’s your secret Disney Identity? Disney films and characters as a self development and motivational tool (3 min read)
I was recently asked if ‘You were a brand what brand would you be?’ 'What brand would describe your personality?' Wow great soul searching questions and the answer? I would be Disney. (And seriously for a natural conscious earth respecting hippie like myself I was shocked at this however the fact remained that I as … Continue reading What’s your secret Disney Identity? Disney films and characters as a self development and motivational tool (3 min read)