One of the tricks I have learnt over the years is when I need encouragement, inspiration or just cheering up is to revisit the work and life stories of people I find inspiring. And recently it has been one of what I consider to be one of the most inspiring people on the planet. Miranda … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – Inspiring People – The Queen of Jolly and Brave Honesty Miranda Hart
Tag: Inspiration
#lifelessons101 – Frustrated? Try the healing power of whimsy
Under a fair amount of stress at the moment I am finding many things frustrate me. This week I had one particular incident with a company who has provided me with bad products and bad service. Now normally that would annoy me but in my current frame of mind, I exploded with frustration. It was … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – Frustrated? Try the healing power of whimsy
The secret inspiration for committing to action – Mondays!
Happy 2018! I love the new year don’t you? For me January brings with it the inspiration for possibility. In the mid winter mid spring time of year, January gives a hint of the good that is about to come when the spring returns. Kind of nature’s spoiler if you like. Especially as today when … Continue reading The secret inspiration for committing to action – Mondays!
#lifelessons101 – Remember what you love to do in life and do it! (A little known ingredient of a successful life)
Sitting here very early on Mr T’s birthday drinking coffee with the cats, I can’t help thinking, wow I love my life! The past few days have been a whirl of cleaning, making food and preparing for the 32 friends and family who will be coming here to celebrate with us. I am exhausted (especially … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – Remember what you love to do in life and do it! (A little known ingredient of a successful life)
How to get empowered and change your life in 4 steps
Are you stuck in a life that you don’t live and want to change but have no idea of how you can do that? Believe me I know it, I’ve been there. The world seems limited, you feel completely powerless and the biggest challenge is that when we are there, it is is so easy … Continue reading How to get empowered and change your life in 4 steps
Lifelessons101 – How to be a positive person in 6 easy steps
We all have that one person in our network. The complainer. The pessimist. The person you can spend 5 minutes around and feel stressed and worn out just by listening to them. There are people in this world who just live in the negative. I have one in my life and recently after a long … Continue reading Lifelessons101 – How to be a positive person in 6 easy steps
#Lifelessons101 -A guide to sleeping for your success. You can sleep your way to the top! (2 min read)
It is amazing how many people sleep less and less the older we get. I mean why? Our bodies don’t need less sleep, in fact as we get older we get tireder quicker and we indeed need more sleep. In the 1980s it became de rigueur to show people how little we sleep. Sleep was … Continue reading #Lifelessons101 -A guide to sleeping for your success. You can sleep your way to the top! (2 min read)
#lifelessons101- Let frustration be the catalyst for whimsy and brighten your day! (1 min read)
Whimsy. It’s such a lovely word isn’t it. It means playfully quaint or fanciful behavior or humor or acting on a whim. And in this serious world of self development I feel we have more of a need for whimsy, in both of it’s meanings. It was comedian James Vetch who said “Let frustration be … Continue reading #lifelessons101- Let frustration be the catalyst for whimsy and brighten your day! (1 min read)
De stress before your summer holidays!
I don’t know about you but for years June has been one hectic, pressure pot waiting to explode, then at the end the glorious summer holidays arrived and I, would collapse. Worn out to the edges and totally over stretched when my body finally got told it was ok to crash, it did. Teachers I … Continue reading De stress before your summer holidays!
Need more time, just plan your day and free yourself!
Planning. I know, I know we hear it all the time. If you plan your day life is simpler. I used to rail at the idea. I was absolutely no-one is going to tell me what to do, even if it is me telling me what to do! I wanted spontaneity. And I got it. … Continue reading Need more time, just plan your day and free yourself!