Many people today perceive themselves as separate from nature. Not surprising considering how far removed our lives are from her rythm. Cities, technology, big industry have seperated us from nature. And from the cycles of the seasons. And the stupid thing is that we are not meant to be apart from nature. All the convieniences … Continue reading Why we need a Spiritual Connection to Nature
Tag: Spirituality
What is the Wheel of the Year?
Nature flows in cycles. Our Celtic and Nordic ancestors understood this. For the ancient Celts and Scandinavians seasonal changes were important both in agriculture and for survival. Not to mention spiritually. For them the turning of the seasons was a rythm they knew blood, skin and bone. A root to their lives that we are loosing … Continue reading What is the Wheel of the Year?
How to find your spiritual path?
To say life today is confusing is an understament. And when it comes to finding your spiritual path the word confusing doesn't even come close! We have so many options. And unlike the bad old days where you could have been forced into a faith, where what you were supposed to do and believe was all … Continue reading How to find your spiritual path?
How to Celebrate Mabon
Mabon, also known as the Autumn Equinox is just around the corner. Mabon is the 8th festival in the celtic and nordic wheel of the year. It is sometimes known as the pagan Thanksgiving, Mabon marks the Autumn Equinox, when day and night are equal and is the celebration of the second harvest. Or as … Continue reading How to Celebrate Mabon
How does spirituality help low self-esteem
Low self esteem can feel like rot. A canker eating away at the soul. Not surprising really as lack of confidence is interconnected with our sense of purpose, sense of identity and of course our self-esteem. At this point in time, more than ever, a surprising amount of people suffer with low self esteem, low … Continue reading How does spirituality help low self-esteem
Spiritual Self Love – 3 powerful practices
Spirituality and Self-love go hand. Spiritual self-love is all about being good to yourself, to love, honour, appreciate and accept all of yourself as part of your spiritual practice. Spiritual self-love is a beautiful way to incorporate move love into your life in very simple ways, but more importantly, it connects you to you. Learn how … Continue reading Spiritual Self Love – 3 powerful practices
Find your personal power/connect with your animal
With Summer Solstice just around the corner I find this is the perfect time of year to reconnect with my personal power source and own my power to the fullest. I like to think of it as literally a mid year powering up or M.O.T that gives me a power boost that charges me to … Continue reading Find your personal power/connect with your animal
4 Ways to Live a Spiritual Life without becoming a Monk!
Many of us want a spiritual life but have no idea how to fit spirituality into our daily lives. I mean in days of yore it was easier. Society's spirituality was organised by well, religious organisations. There was a set structure, traditional practices to follow and everybody knew when it was time to be spiritual … Continue reading 4 Ways to Live a Spiritual Life without becoming a Monk!
5 Ways to Hear What the Universe is Saying to you
I'm a big believer in talking to the universe. As a spirit having a human experience I know that the universe is constantly trying to guide us on our earth walk. The trouble I have found is that sometimes the messages it sends are incredibly confusing. It talks in signs, in stories, in synchronicites and leaves it … Continue reading 5 Ways to Hear What the Universe is Saying to you
Everyday spirituality for insanely busy people!
Is it possible to intertwine spirituality into an insanely busy life? There is no doubt about it, today most of us have insanely busy lives. At the same time more and more people are reaching out for a form of spiritual practice. The challenge is how can you bring spirituality into your already jam packed … Continue reading Everyday spirituality for insanely busy people!