
#lifelessons101 – 8 realisations and lessons I have learned during a global pandemic and isolation (plus the power of a pillow fort!)

Firstly let me say that I know that I am extremely lucky in this time of global crisis to be in my situation. I can work at home, enjoy the countryside on my doorstep and stay in relative safety. As well as feeling super worried about all of you that are not as lucky.  I … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – 8 realisations and lessons I have learned during a global pandemic and isolation (plus the power of a pillow fort!)

Why is personal development important?

Why do we need to work with our personal development?

Personal Development is one of those buzz phrases that gets thrown around but have you ever stopped to wonder why it’s important? As a self confessed personal development aficionado I am a true convert to the transformational power of investing time and energy into my personal growth and development. I have seen it work within … Continue reading Why do we need to work with our personal development?

#lifelessons101 – A year of Happiness – review of my Happiness Project 2019

At the beginning of 2019 I was inspired by Gretchin Rubin’s book “The Happiness Project” to create my own Happiness project for the year. I promised to update you as I followed it … And then promptly forgot as I took on more than I could chew throughout the year. However I did not give … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – A year of Happiness – review of my Happiness Project 2019

New Year's Resolutions

Make New’s Resolutions that are achievable – a step by step guide

The holidays are drawing to a close and the new year is about to start. That great feeling of anything is achievable that January brings is inspiring. However, when it comes to setting our new year’s resolutions the stats say that only 8% of people will have actually stuck to them by December next year! … Continue reading Make New’s Resolutions that are achievable – a step by step guide

#lifelessons101 – My top five personal growth reads for 2020

Jim Rohn said“Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” —and I completely agree. Which is why one of my favorite December traditions is to  treat myself to some life inspiration ready for the new year. If you are looking for some great personal growth inspiration for 2020 here is my … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – My top five personal growth reads for 2020