We all have something we truly believe in. A personal motto to live our lives by. Be the change you want to see is one of mine. This motto (sorry it’s not a quote by Ghandi although many think it is) reminds me to live my truth no matter what. It guides me away from disharmonies and lack of consistancy in what I say and do. And in doing this it keeps me conciously living and brings me constant abundance. Yes, I did say abundance. Why? Well when you want to contribute to the world and mirror the changes you wanto see that will be positive for everyone, life provides. Said simply you give and life gives back.
Being the change doesn’t have to be about the big causes, it can be about the small changes. Being the change you want to see is really about living your truth, walking your talk and facing your fears. Often we can be afraid to do things in our lives that are not socially acceptable even though we truly believe in that thing. For example you might want to be a vegetarian but your family business is a chain of Butchers shops and therefore it would be incredibly difficult to be in your family group if they interpreted your actions as judging them, so vegetarianism for you could just be a dream.
Of course this is an exaggeration but if you think deeply there is in all of us, something we want to change in the world, whether that thing is for our own world or the wider world. Allowing ourselves to live that truth and make the change brings our life and dreams into harmony and feels great. But how do you do it?
As always the only thing most of us have the power to change is ourselves. How does that make a change in the world I hear you ask? Just remember what we send out reflects and amplifies in the world around us.
So how to be the change you want to see? Simply said you have to take action into consciously changing your life for the better.
Follow this 7 day plan and see how easily you can adopt being the change you want to see into your life AND see the abundance it brings to you and the world around you.
Day 1 : Be grateful and show it to the world.
Time to start appreciating what you have. When we are grateful we feel more abundance. However when we share that gratitude, such as thanking the bus driver for the trip, we spread the feeling of gratitude and appreciation around you.
Day 2 : Look for good in the world and create it
The world is full of good and kind acts. If you search online there are hundreds of positive news stories about compassionate acts. And why let it be something you just read about, do something kind today and make it a goal to help someone.
Day 3 : Let go of the need to be right
We are not always right. And wouldn’t you rather have a great day then argue with someone about being right. Let go of this need today.
Day 4 : Stop judging
No-one likes to be judged. Whether we judge ourselves or others it is never a pleasant feeling and always creates a negative environment within or without. If you catch yourself judging stop and analyse your actions. Often our judgements come from a place of disharmony in ourselves. So ask yourself why are you judging? Is it actually because this person is doing something, wearing something that you wish you could? Use your empathy instead of judging today.
Day 5: Accepting and pampering
If you can’t accept where you are in your life right now, without judging and/or blaming others, then you are creating a whole heap of unhappiness for yourself. Accepting your current situation is the first step to creating change. And while you’re about it accepting can sometimes be challenging so it’s also a time for being nice to you. Reward yourself for conciously living and taking charge of your life. So while you are accepting things pamper yourself and be kind to you. You deserve it.
Day 6: Connect with your sense of purpose, your dreams and beliefs
Take time out today to ask yourself what is really important to me? What do I truly want? And which of my core beliefs am I not truly living? For example you could be wanting to loose weight, but eating junk food every day or care about the environment and don’t recycle or believe family comes before work but yet you take every bit of overtime even when you don’t need the money. These things are disharmonies between your inner world and outer world. Once you identify them then you can do something about them.
Day 7 : Action Plan for change
Today look at your brainstorming from yesterday. Choose one of your disharmonies and make an action plan of how you are going to change it. Step by step. Make it simple, logical and measureable. Don’t try and do more than one. Baby steps towards balancing the inner world and outer world.
So what now? Simple. Steps 1- 5 are easy, things you can do every day for yourself. Continue them after this week and follow your plan. When you feel that you have got a handle on and this disharmony is now harmonious make a new plan for one of the other disharmonies. Slowly and effectively you will feel yourself slipping into a harmonious rhythm in your life and the world around you.
Being the change you want to see is an empowering and enriching experience. It frees you from half assed beliefs, can give your life drive and purpose and has the benefit of a feel good factor when you truly live your truth and walk your talk. The more honestly and truthfully you live and give, the more you will attract abundance into your life, simply because good attracts good.
So take the next 7 days to initiate change in your life and start to truly live the life you’ve always dreamed of by being the person you have always wanted to be.