Some people love January as the time of new beginnings. But for me February always feels like the month to get going. With the pale golden sun, snow gently melting and the buds and shoots appearing, it is here where I feel energy coming back into my bones. The Spring is coming! It's time to … Continue reading Imbolc – Awakening & clarity after Winter’s hibernation
Category: motivation
7 practical tips for boosting your motivation
Motivation despite your situation ... Motivation is a tricky bugger to be honest, especially during coronavirus and isolation. I mean the whole situation is hitting us all world wide and as we are all starting to get the message that isolation is being lengthened many people, including myself have been finding it hard to stay … Continue reading 7 practical tips for boosting your motivation
#lifelessons101 – The Ultimate Key to Staying Motivated (Especially during isolation)
How is your self motivation? I’d love to know. Because one thing I have noticed during the Coronavirus Lockdown more and more of my clients are feeling demotivated and low energy. And I can honestly say I was feeling that way a little bit too. The world is a scary place right now. BUT life … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – The Ultimate Key to Staying Motivated (Especially during isolation)
#lifelessons101 – Motivation, determination and manifestation – the sweet always comes after the sour!
How to find light through the darkeness on your manifestation journey It’s been a crazy week! And it really hit me whiile I was looking for inspiration for this week’s life lessons and found an old post I wrote back in 2017 #lifelessons101: Motivation, manifestation, determination, a free umbrella and a slice of pie! Funnily enough that … Continue reading #lifelessons101 – Motivation, determination and manifestation – the sweet always comes after the sour!
#lifelessons101- How to keep on going when you hit a bump in the road and it feels like you are getting nowhere
Dreams beget reality is something I have always believed. But sometimes the road to our dreams becoming a reality is a long and hard one. Especially when you hit a bump in the road. Energetically it can feel like you are never going to get to where you want to be. So how do you … Continue reading #lifelessons101- How to keep on going when you hit a bump in the road and it feels like you are getting nowhere
#Life lessons 101 – How to find your balance and ride the wave when life starts going wibbly wobbly
Sometimes life just goes wibbly wobbly. You know what I mean. There hasn’t been a big trauma or drama, you are not having to fight for survival. Things are just out of balance and you can’t seem to get on top. Your energy goes low, you feel out of sorts, restless and frustrated. Personally I … Continue reading #Life lessons 101 – How to find your balance and ride the wave when life starts going wibbly wobbly
What little moments do you live for?
It’s been such a lovely weekend. Not because we had a special occcaision or a holiday or anything ‘big’ like that. Nothing instagram worthy. This weekend was just a weekend at home, of cooking, cosyness and relaxing with Mr T. Yet sometimes those weekends, the non instagram ones, are the best of all. Filled with … Continue reading What little moments do you live for?
How to find your personal power during depression?
Depression, as you will know if you suffer with it is one of the most draining experiences you can have in life. It is one of those times where when we most need to find our inner power and yet that power seems so far away, or it feels as though it doesn’t exist. The … Continue reading How to find your personal power during depression?
Spring is here, it’s the time for action!
Hello Spring! ClearingRenewalGrowth / action Clear out the clutter and make space for something new Spring clean your home, your wardrobe or your garden.Empty out the drawers in your office desk and only put back in what you really need.Clear out your handbag or your car.Clean up your digital files and post those numerous pics … Continue reading Spring is here, it’s the time for action!
How to live a life less ordinary :Prioritise doing more of what you love
I am very fortunate to have created a life I love for myself. However, at this time of year when the pre -winter blues echo in the back of my mind, I often find that I am disgruntled, less than satisfied with my life. When this niggling feeling started to get the better of me … Continue reading How to live a life less ordinary :Prioritise doing more of what you love