#lifelessons101- Life loves me, and it loves you too.

I have been thinking long and hard about what to write to you this friday. So much has happened in this last week. So many life lessons have been popping up. I have been learning about the gifts of apology, how to balance my life and my work.  I also started college again – believe me at 38, in a foreign country and in a foreign language this is a real challenge. However none of these lessons are complete enough for me to feel comfortable writing about them to you. (They’ll be here at some point so keep your eyes peeled).

And then this morning a burst of inspiration came. Still glowing from the beautiful morning serenade Mr T gave me as I caught the bus, (seriously how can I not love this guy) I opened the current book I am reading, “Life loves you” by Robert Holden and Louise Hay. And I realised this is what I want to share with you today. Life loves you.

Now saying that life loves me (and you) is easy to say and hard to believe. However as I have been sitting the last few weeks,  in my beautiful new home, writing my daily gratitude list, it has been impossible to not notice the abundance and love in my life. I am truly happy and truly blessed. I feel at peace with myself.

It has been a long journey. Only two and a half years ago, I was sitting on my bed, scrolling through my telephone book, knowing I needed help and not knowing who to ask. At that point I wanted to end my life and look at me now. The transition has been painful, beautiful and a gift.

And it is a continuous and constant process. This book reitterates for me all that I have learnt. Just reading the title inspired me. “Life loves me” Well yes, yes it does. How could it not. ”Life loves you”. How could it not.  We are part of life, part of the universe and although it’s not always easy to love yourself, I doubt very much the universe created us just to hate us. It’s illogical. This journey of loving myself is a wonderful gift. Certain daily practices have helped so much and it’s these I want to share with you today.

4 Steps to guide you to love you

Pictures of you

Now you might have seen the recent trend on Facebook . You have to  post five pictures of you that you most love. I am happy to say I did this long before Facebook (although I am glad it’s finally starting to be out there for everyone). I found 5 physical photos of me that I love. Photos that reminded me of happy times, times that I was truly shining and being my authentic self. I wrote the reasons why I love me at these times. Then looking at the photos I chose three of them that represented times where I am most proud of me and wrote this on the photos as well. Now those pictures hang in my room reminding me every day why I love me.

The greatest part about this journey is that you will actually find more than 5 photos you love and more than 3 things you are proud of. In fat if you come from a place where you don’t love and appreciate you, this experience gives you so many reminders of how beautiful and strong you really are.

Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude

I know I bang on about this all the time but gratitude is really the best way to appreciate your life, the people in  your life and the world around you. Gratitude also brings you into the now.

Often (as Lousie Hay points out in Life Loves you) we expect to be abundant and loved in the future. But the future becomes today and you are abundant and loveable right now. By being grateful for what you have you see the proof of how valued you are within the universe. How much it loves you and how much you love your life. When you love your life it is not a challenge to love yourself.

Daily affirmations

I love how our bodies work. If we tell ourselves something often enough we believe it. Affirmations are a fantabulous way of doing this. Around my home are many beautiful quotes and pictures reminding me and Mr T how wonderful we are. My favourite is on my bathroom door, (actually my bathroom has the most affirmations on the wall than any other room in our house!) It simply states. If anyone has not told you today, you are magical, beautiful and you can’t achieve anything you want to achieve.

One of the most effective ways of using affirmations is mirror work. Louise (or is it Robert? Hmm can’t remember ergo not important), suggests that you stand in front of your mirror everyday and tell yourself “I love you”. At first this  seems a real challenge. However once it becomes part of your daily ritual the easier it comes to you and the more believable it is. On our mirror is a little homemade sign which reads “I love you” every day when I see it I find myself  blowing  kisses to myself. It sounds foolish, well it is and I like it!

Ten points

On of the teachings in the book is the ten points. This is built up around the affirmation

“Life loves me and I am blessed”

Around your house put ten reminder marks. They can be stickers, something you will see. Every time you see one say the affirmation aloud. It inspires and brings an inner glow every time. Sometimes these days when I see it I say the affirmation and my inner child shouts out “I KNOW” and it’s true. I really do know that Life loves me and I am truly blessed.

So make your window a magical love affair with yourself because once you begin to realise how beautiful, how loveable you are, the world is an even more beautiful place.
Have a wonderful weekend <3




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